Sunday 16 October 2011

Possible Update Leaked

I know some of you happen to notice that during the last update, EA dropped a simple text document that contains tons of code that can be seperated into "possible" updates being released for tier 3 (or after tier 3)

I don't want to give the file location, just because I don't want anyone accidentally overwriting it and having to reinstall the game to get it back, but I did take out the best information I could find within it, so that you guys can take a look without the risk.

Nothing here is confirmed.. nothing here is promised.. but take a look if your interested:

Jet Pilot Training     

Reduces the reload time of your attack helicopters rockets by 5 seconds.                       
Reduces the reload time of your attack helicopter's rockets by 10 seconds.
Train to pilot fixed wing aircraft.                       
Reduce the reload time of Air to Air missiles by 10 seconds.
Reduce the reload time of Air to Air missiles by 15 seconds.   
Train yourself to act as a spawn point for any team mate who dies nearby.  You receive no points for team mates who respawn on you.                               
Increases your Tactical Reflexes to more precisely show direction of damage.   
Allows you to deploy two Motion Sensors at the same time.               

Upgrade Description:    Reduce the reload time by 10 seconds.    (Reenforcements)
Expand your combat harness to allow you to carry more Assault Rifle ammo.                       
Missile Countermeasure Deployment                       
Reduce the reload time of your Chaff Deployment System                   
Equips your Jet Vehicles with bombs that can be dropped on enemy ground troops.   
Reduce the reload time for JDAM system by 5 seconds.                       
Train to use C4 high explosive charges.  Place charges and then detonate them at the opportune moment.                               
Upgrades your air vehicles with radar systems that assist in targetting enemy air units.
Increae your AA radar's range by 5%                               

Increase your maximum speed when sprinting by 10% total.                               
Increase your maximum speed when jogging.                               
Silent Steps Combat Skill                               
Enemies can no longer hear your footsteps as you approach.                               
Satellite Surveillance                               
Request a satellite scan of your area.  Reveals current location of all enemies for a short period.       
Reduce the reload time of Satellite Scan by 20 seconds and increases the duration of Satellite Scan by 2 seconds.                               

Physical Training: Toughness                               
Increase your total hitpoints                               
Grenade Toss-Back Combat Skill                       
Press 'E' (default) to gather all nearby enemy grenades and toss them in the direction you are facing       
Engineer Ultimate Ability?                               
Cluster Bomb?  Auto-Turret?  Tactical Nuclear Strike?  Whatever it does it will destroy lots of stuff!   

Airburst Grenade                               
The XM25 Airburst Grenade Launcher allows for precise explosive delivery to concealed targets.  Your target's range is automatically set when you activate zoom-view.  The set range is adjusted by using the mouse-wheel.                               
You repair the vehicle from the pilot seat using whatever means necessary.       
Combat Infiltration                               
You become nearly undetectable avoiding enemy attempts to scout your position.

Identify Target                       
Reveal an enemies class when targetting them.                               
Allows you to deploy 3 medic boxes at the same time.                       
Attack Chopper Anti-Armor Missile System                               
Train to use your Attack Helicopter's Anti-Armor Missile System.           

Reduce the reload time of your Attack Helicopter's counter measures.                       
Reduce countermeasure reload time by 3 seconds.                   
Reduce the Smoke Deployment reload time for both Tank and APC vehicle types.   
Reduce the reload time of smoke deployment by 10 seconds.      
Attack Chopper IFF Radar System                               
The Attack Helicopter Identify Friend or Foe radar system highlights targets on the battlefield.                               
This combat kit contains and other medical supplies to help keep nearby infantry in top fighting condition.                               
The Tactical Deployment Flare allows the Medic to deploy a marker to identify a safe deployment area to Combat HQ.                               

Advanced reconnaissance tool detects movement of enemies within a limited radius. If an enemy remains motionless while within the detection radius of the Motion Sensor they will not be detected.                       
A fully automated Indirect-fire Weapon System. It can target, direct and adjust firing solutions for 120mm mortars. It acts as a force multiplier for small units that do not have heavy weapons support.  The operator must stay motionless while the target designation sequence completes.   

Satellite Surveillance       
A direct satellite uplink allows for infantry to request real time tactical updates.  Upon request the Chief Surveillance Officer will update the infantryman's personal information network with current enemy positions.
XM-25 Airburst Grenade Launcher   
The XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement (CDTE) System, also known as the Punisher, is an air burst grenade launcher derived from the XM29 OICW. It fires 25 mm grenades that are set to explode in mid-air at, or near, the target. A laser rangefinder in the weapon is used to determine the distance to the target. The user can manually adjust the detonating distance by up to 10 feet (3.0 m) shorter or longer; the XM25 automatically transmits the detonating distance to the grenade in the firing chamber. The grenade tracks the distance it has traveled by the number of spiral rotations after it is fired, then detonates at the proper distance to produce an air burst effect. These features make the XM25 more effective than traditional grenade launchers at the task of hitting targets that are behind cover.     

HEROIC_MOMENT  (possible achievement system) 
Close Shave                               
Killing someone while you have 1 hit point left.                   
Duck Hunt                               
Killing a manned airplane in mid-air with a tank.   

And many more...

Wednesday 12 October 2011

PP-2000 Gameplay footage

Great new video is out for using the engineer with the default PP-2000 SMG. I was getting a lot of hate PMs from players sick of seeing Battlefunds weapons, so I decided to put a little handcap on myself and take up to using the default guns for a bit.

Its actually turning out quite well, I have matches with the G3 where I break 40 kills in Basra no problem.. and I've discovered I actually LIKE playing assault when I get to use the vanilla guns. Mostly because there is nothing more satisfying that killing someone with an AEK or M16 while using a 20 bullets noob gun :)

I recommend everyone try it sometime. Another benefit is if your low on game credits.. over the past couple of days I've managed to get 5000 more just from playing without rentals and skipping on health purchases like bandages or adrenaline.

Either way.. check out the video, and get ready for more!!.. as I have like 10 videos that just need proper audio, which are almost ready to be uploaded :)

Friday 7 October 2011

New GOL Sniper Rifle Review

Brand new set of weapons for each class have been released today. At first I was a little confused, because I couldn't see how they'd set these ones apart from the last release they just did last week.

But after some testing, I can tell you that at least 2 of these weapons will stand alone compared to other weapons in their class, and one of those is the GOL.

I own the Elite M24 as well, and its been a while since I've used it so I'm not sure if I'd prefer it over this new gun. But the extra distance is nice, and since the weapon does at least 50 damage, I wonder if the extra damage the M24 does is even necessary when it comes to 1v1 encounters.

I'll have to try them both out for a bit before I make my decision, but as it stands, a semi-auto sniper rifle is a nice change from the full auto VSS the just released. I think it even counters it a bit, but again, its only been a day so we'll all have to wait and see...

Wednesday 5 October 2011

New Video..

Couple new gameplay commentaries are out.. sorry that I haven't been keeping this filled out, but literally the day I created it I noticed that Youtube now covers my videos with closed captioning that gives a transcript of the match anyways.

Also, shows how bad my real life eyesight is.. I called the whole last video a PKM video, when it was a SAW... total noob stuff :D

Anyways.. sorry about that, and stay tuned for the next one which will be MY GREATEST VIDEO EVER!! But thats just a secret between me and the people who read this Blog :)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

New Gameplay Style.. Submit your videos!

Brand new podcast with Shodredux!

We're going to be working on perfecting our commentary style in the time left before the Battlefield 3 release. If you think you have some skills to show off, please record a full match and upload it to YouTube. You can use trial versions with watermarks, it doesn't bother us.. we just want the practice, so don't be shy in sharing your gameplay!

Also, for those players asking me about making their own videos, this is a great chance to give commentary a shot.. as a lot of weapons and content has already been covered in the game so far, and depending on how popular Esports is in BF3, they'll need people with experience to properly share some epic matches that are sure to take place.

Check out this link if you want to know how to submit a video..

If you have any tips or comments on improving our videos, please feel free to share. We want what you want.. so any help you can provide will be appreciated.

Monday 26 September 2011

9A-91 Gameplay Commentary Video

A brand new kind of video is uploading as I type.. this new 9A-91 review is going to be done as a full match with no editing. I picked a match where there really wasn't too much stomping going around, and I tried to stay away from the action so I could get into the fundamentals of using a SMG in general.

I still think shotguns are more suited for Sharqi, but I wanted to show how well a simple engineer can do given his quite large disadvantages in terms of skills, when playing an infantry map. I love using this gun on Basra or Karkand, but I do miss the ability to shoot my own AV mines with my old SPAS-15.

Let me know what you thought of my commentary, I'm trying to get some practice in for when esports takes hold in Battlefield 3.

Also, would you guys/girls prefer to see slow motion replays during a match like that, so I can maybe go more in depth into some of the mechanics at work?

Hope you enjoy the video!

Saturday 24 September 2011

VSS Vintorez Extended Review

What can be said about the VSS Vintorez that I haven't already mentioned in my video? Well for starters, this gun is a gamechanger.


Is it better than an assault rifle like a Scar-L or M16?

Well no.. but its pretty close, and you have to remember that recons have a huge advantage over other classes with the variety of secondary weapons available like claymores, motion sensors, and even additional clips for their rifles.

So keeping that in mind, the rifle itself is wonderful.. but not perfect. You'll still get shot down by enemies who have you scoped quicker, and you'll still have to have a good reaction time if caught in close quarters, like you would with any other sniper rifle.

In the smaller maps like Sharqi, you can even combo up a level 4 motion sensor and try straight sniping some of the close packed pathways and alleys. It fires fast enough that if you back into a corner and just wait, you can almost guarantee a killshot before any ambushed enemies have time to react and draw their weapon.

[Video Transcript]

Hey Battlefield Fans,

BadlyBurned here for a brand new weapon review for the 1st of the 4 new guns dished out by EA for Battlefield Play4Free. 

To start, I'll be covering the VSS for the recon class, which has.. and I quote:
"SMG-like characteristics.."

I could not put it better myself.. this rifle, out of all the available sniper rifles in my opinion.. gives you the greatest supression fire ability when travelling with a group or dealing with large waves of incoming enemies.

Its "SMG-like" qualities are seen mostly close to medium range.. at this distance you can easily deal increbible damage by either firing from the hip, or quickscoping.. as this gun is very fast to draw and has an incredible rate of fire.

But do remember.. if you plan on using it to snipe, or take on any enemies over long ranges.. you have to get good at slow tapping your trigger so that you can deal with the slightly shaky recoil, just like you would with most other assault rifles.

One really good thing I noticed about the VSS is how you can usually carry it around in almost any situation. If your sick of having to swap out between your pistol or another dual primary when playing the maps like Sharqi.. then this gun is meant for you, as it does well regardless of the map size.. and its scope range fits perfectly for some of those tight spaces.

Also, with this gun you really can do quite well on the move as long as have a good reaction time.. you'll still sometimes be countered by other quicker draw weaponary, but I'd still give it a try if you are a fan of the semi auto sniper rifles, as its playstyle mostly reflects these weapons.
Its one drawback is its low ammo count.. but I think this was on purpose to encourage recons to actually travel in a group and get resupplied by teammates..

Regardless.. I Love this gun.. The VSS is a great changeup for those recon bored of sitting back and sniping long range, thats all for this weapon review.. but please, vote in the comments by letting me know which of the 3 remaining guns you'd like to see next.

or drop me a shoutout at my new blog which I'll be updating with every video I release from now on... at This is BadlyBurned.. and before I go.. special thanks to AmmoBFP4F for making me this awesome intro

Thursday 22 September 2011

First Battlefield Blog Post!

Hey Battlefield Fans!

BadlyBurned here for a new blog! I just couldn't keep up with that Facebook page, none of the features are suited for doing the kind of question and answer content I was looking to add on. And at least this way players who have English as a second language can take transcripts from each video and use them to translate whatever they need (which is a common request from a lot of players)

You'll also see some addition stuff in here, since I'll be able to give links, add pictures, and do all sorts of other stuff to improve on my content.

I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned coming very soon.. and I hope you'll enjoy this podcast I have coming out tonight, which I did with new buddies in the DOS clan.

A little surprise bonus for those of you who came here to read my blog as well.. in this podcast you'll hear me talk about something that I might be working on soon.. like very very soon... I won't spoil it yet, but stay tuned to learn more about it in the near future.

- BadlyBurned